Falling in love with Tokyo

Monday, June 29, 2015

There's something in the clean streets, calm people, and orchestrated bustle of Tokyo that makes a couple of wanderlusting girlfriends want to shred their passports and live there.

The more I travel, the more shamelessly careless I become about being a total tourist.
Highly recommend this guesthouse and it's location of Asakusa.
Sake. But not the mild, tasty stuff we're used to in the states. None of the sake I tasted could have been much more flavorful than moonshine. And it was STRONG. 
Oh, just a koi that's bigger than my dog.
Entering Shinjuku Temple
The Japanese aren't big on sweet desserts, but their bite-sized cookies are an exception. 
Story of Japanese transportation's life:
Typical breakfast
Menu for a restaurant... not sure who would try it or why, but I love that they wanted to make sure no one brought in their own food.
Origami! I was so impressed with that ring.
Grinding wasabi with shark skin.
Common Japanese broths
The subways weren't entirely foreigner-friendly. But luckily, Japan is filled with the most amazing people you could ever hope to meet, and they went above and beyond to help us on multiple occasions.
Sumo wrestling seats were sold out. :( But we creeped the premises until we got this photo op!
Yep. Caught an act at the Kabuki theater!

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