Our destination was downtown Amsterdam---or at least that's what we were hoping. We bought no tickets and the driver spoke no English; we just climbed on board, grabbed some seats, and hoped that wherever it was going it could bring us back in time for our next flight.
We did make it to Amsterdam. We walked a few streets, talked to some locals, and grabbed some Chinese take-out before making it back in time to the airport. ("When in Amsterdam," right?)
Traveling means different things to different people. Ask Roberto about his travels, and he'll enthusiastically begin recalling plates of food---but I think of that rainy night in Amsterdam. The uncertainty of the unplanned, but the certainty that it will all work out fine. The regard of the world beyond our salted caramel frappucinos and neatly paved roads as something not unwelcoming and hostile, but waiting. To look your fear of flying on airplanes, sketchy characters on unfamiliar streets, and the ambiguous unknown in the face and say you're not stopping me.
I've missed that feeling ever since.
As for the other frequently asked questions, "Why Peru?" "Is your husband going with you?" and "Why?" Because Europe is so predictable; nope, he'll be waiting in California for my postcards; because I can. Respectively. :)
I've heard it said that the opportunity to spend an extended amount of time in a foreign country is truly a priceless, unforgettable experience. I look forward to the people I'll meet, the pictures I'll share and the stories I'll be able to tell. Major thanks to my amazing husband for being crazy and supportive enough to let me do this, and a thousand apologies to those of my friends who've been told we'd get together after finals only to read this blog and realize I never had the time to make it happen---but I'm looking forward to fall!
Please keep me in your prayers as I embark on this grand adventure (and watch for more posts...)!